Explaining Quantum Theory

General Relativity can explain quantum theory. Contrary to the fashionable approach of seeking a quantum theory of gravity, or string theory, I show that classical general relativity with acausal structures can actually explain quantum phenomena.

The proof in principle was given in my thesis and first paper. The power of the approach is seen in the subsidiary results, explaining the origin of spin half, and electric charge. This geometric approach requires parity to be conserved and also hints at the origin of CP violation in the galactic rotation. These results are all in my peer reviewed publications

Embracing acausality

A good starting point is to appreciate the essence of quantum theory. It is context dependent. Once we know the measurements that will be made then it is like classical theories. Of course, the measurement context might be in the future. This is a big signal that at the quantum level there is a breakdown in causality in Nature. The evidence was even recognised by the 2022 Nobel Prize. But my work is the only approach that embraces the lack of causality.

The best and only theory we have of space and time is general relativity. It is a classical geometric theory that describes all aspects of gravitation. I am one of the few people who have used our established theory of space and time to explain quantum phenomena. It seems to me to be an obvious, even unavoidable, place to look.


My research programme, considers particles to be acausal structures in spacetime, so called 4-geons. They are described by general relativity (or indeed any other geometric theory of spacetime). Measurement apparatus sets boundary conditions that are not redundant, even when they are in the future. Or, equivalently, information about the experiments can travel back in time to where the state is being prepared. Such a model has a different logical structure compared with the classical world and classical probability. Probabilities will not be represented by areas on a Venn diagram.

The new logical structure leads to quantum theory. First we find that the only way to represent the states and the probabilities is as vectors, and projections of a vector space. The probability has to be a scalar which requires that probabilities are given by the inner product. The symmetries of spacetime, then lead to the familiar equations of quantum theory. And the complex values of the vectors exactly as required to derive non-trivial equations.

A powerful approach

So in principle we have a proven explanation for quantum theory. As an assurance that it is the right approach, it also explains spin half particles, electric charge and restores parity symmetry. What is missing is a detailed description of what is going on. It is like knowing the probabilities for a dice throw, but not the dynamical equations for how the dice moves through the air and land.